Category Archives: Uncategorized

Superimpose With John Butcher, Sofia Jernberg, Nate Wooley

Finally! The 3-CD box set „With“ by Superimpose with guests John Butcher, Sofia Jernberg and Nate Wooley is now available. I am super excited! Inexhaustible Editions This is a heavyweight box set release with three individual albums in 6-panel digipacks; each album features a guest musician: John Butcher, Sofia Jernberg and Nate Wooley; plus a

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Formation < Deviation

„Formation < Deviation“ by CRANES, the trio of Eve Risser, Christian Marien and I, is available for pre-order now on my and Relative Pitch Records Bandcamp pages. Official release date is May 14th. And, if the circumstances allow it, we’ll even play a few concerts later this year!!! Cranes is a brandnew collaboration,

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more old releases on Bandcamp

While still in lockdown and no concerts happening, I have added three older releases from the Creative Sources label from Portugal to my Bandcamp page: The first CD in duo with Christian Marien „Superimpose“ from 2007, „Foils Quartet“ with Frank Paul Schubert, John Edwards and Mark Sanders from 2014 and „MM Squared Session“, the trombone

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Interview in Zevener Zeitung

The small town Zeven is the place where I was born and went to school. Now I have actually made it with an interview in the regional newspaper, Zevener Zeitung! I could not be prouder! 🙂 The journalist Ralf  G. Poppe asks a few questions about my career since I left the region and the

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The fourth release on MaMüMusic is a compilation of two solo pieces which I played at the „Solo Impro Festival“ at the Berlin club Acud in 2018 and at the „Free Essen Festival“ in Essen at the Goethebunker in 2016. Together with the 2017 release „Solo Trombone“ (MaMüMusic #1) these two pieces document quite well

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new and old releases

I just added two releases of the no longer existing Gligg Records label to my Bandcamp page. Both long time out of stock. Wouldn’t it be a pity if this music was no longer available?   THE ASTRONOMICAL UNIT „SUPER EARTH“ by Matthias Müller, Clayton Thomas, and Christian Marien from 2013 POSAUNENGLANZTERZETT „LIVE IM KÜNSTLERHAUS“

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Dis-Drill is a split release of the two duos Jim Denley/Christian Marien (A-side) and Pierre-Yves Martel/Matthias Müller (B-side). Both recordings were made on February 3, 2019 at the SoundOut Festival in Canberra, Australia, where the two duos played together for the first time. It comes as download and/or limited edition cassette with download code!  

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Camera Obscura & Berlin Split

Two new releases… Camera Obscura by Trigger plus Jérôme Noetinger Bocian Records, Warsaw, Poland Trigger is an acoustic wind instrument trio working in the context of experimental music. Together they aim for the creation and shaping of a homogenous overall sound. The three instruments function as generators of noise and sound and blend together in

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Bone Crusher Tour 2019

BONE CRUSHER TOUR 2019 Jeb Bishop – Matthias Muche – Matthias Müller This trio of trombonists Jeb Bishop, Matthias Müller und Matthias Muche plays music that ranges from sound-sculpture noise drones to walls-of-Jericho-collapsing blasts to delicate webs of air and tone, resonating overtones with layered articulations. Pushing the acoustic properties of the instrument and the

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