Camera Obscura & Berlin Split

Two new releases…

Camera Obscura

by Trigger plus Jérôme Noetinger
Bocian Records, Warsaw, Poland
Trigger is an acoustic wind instrument trio working in the context of experimental music. Together they aim for the creation and shaping of a homogenous overall sound. The three instruments function as generators of noise and sound and blend together in a complex sound mass, which is permanently moving, changing and renewed. By using advanced playing techniques such as circular breathing, multiphonics and a vast palette of air sounds the instruments are removed from their traditional context and resemble electro acoustic sound sources, which interact by imitating and contrasting with the specifically use of timbre, density and dynamic. The players react to each other immediately, allowing fast changing
sound constellations with a compositional awareness for structure and duration.
In December 2014 Trigger invited the french sound artist Jérôme Noetinger for a musical collaboration within the conert series Trigger Plus at NK Berlin. with Jérôme Noetinger and his reel to reel tape recorder they found an ideal musical partner, who extended the group sound into a multidimensional electro acoustic apparatus by recording and processing the single instruments and rearrange them in time and space. He functioned not only as a fourth player in the band, but also as a live sound sculptor, controlling the amplification and ubication of every single sound particle.
released August 25, 2019
Nils Ostendorf | trumpet
Matthias Müller | trombone
Chris Heenan | contrabass clarinet
Jérôme Noetinger | Revox tape recorder
recorded december 14th 2014 at NK Berlin
Editing: Nils Ostendorf
Mixing and Mastering: Werner Dafeldecker

Berlin Split

by Emilio Gordoa, Matthias Müller, Josten Myburgh & Adam Pultz-Melbye
Tone List, Perth, Australia
After playing sporadic sessions across three years since their first meeting in Berlin in 2015, Adam, Emilio and Josten produced this energised trio in a flat in Wedding in 2018. With a rapid rate of change and a tendency towards playful subversion, it’s exploratory and colourful, while still precipitating in many moments of clarity and intensity.
A few days before, Josten had met with Matthias Müller in his studio to discuss Matthias‘ upcoming trip to Perth for Audible Edge; they figured they ought to play together as well. What emerged was an immediately familiar language, a synchronicity between sharp digital feedback and articulate trombone gestures. Their very first meeting is published here. As opposed to the expansive chamber music of the trio, this duo works mostly by layering noise, and the results are far more stark.
The recordings make a curious pair, with the same electronic sound-worlds existing in two spaces, divergent in approach to gesture and harmony. Perhaps Lena Czerniawska’s artwork, drawn in response to the music, proposes some relationships between the two.
released August 16, 2019
Emilio Gordoa (vibraphone, 1)
Matthias Müller (trombone, 2)
Josten Myburgh (electronics, 1-2)
Adam Pultz-Melbye (double bass, 1)
Album art by Lena Czerniawska.
Recording & mixing by Josten Myburgh, on Whadjuk Noongar boodja. Tone List and the artists acknowledge and pay respects to Noongar elders past and present.